
Sustraietatik abiatzen gara a

Orio Produkzioak Zuzendaritza Ikus-entzunezko lanak zuzentzen ditugu

Direction and production
We produce audiovisual works.

Our long trajectory has allowed us to accumulate experience in a wide variety of projects: live shows, game shows, educational shows, cultural shows, daily magazines or reality shows. We have leadership skills and we are versatile.

We analyze the feasibility of projects and adjust budgets to make the most of each resource.

We optimize human and technical resources and redesign processes, adapting them to each production need.
Orio Produkzioak Errealizazioa Lan bakoitzari neurri-neurriko forma eman eta proposamen berritzaileak egiten ditugu

We design each work in a personalized way and make innovative proposals.

We design the image, sound, lighting, decor or graphics according to the needs of the projects.

We create and produce scripts for all audiovisual formats.

We collect big and small stories and tell them with passion, using the most communication techniques appropriate for the purpose.
Orio Produkzioak Edizio eta postprodukzio gune propioa dugu

We have our own editing and post-production space.

In terms of human and technical resources, we have the capacity to host and manage the most ambitious projects. We have updated the technology to give the most demanding answer even to the most ambitious projects.

Multiple formats
We give each project the form that corresponds to it, being attentive to current trends.

Television, film, advertising or social media: the style, duration or appearance of our work will depend on the medium.
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